Thursday, October 2, 2014

New Camp Training Opportunities - Course Schedule Online Now

Exciting news! The former Troop Camp Training will now be offered in a two-part format for more flexibility. We hope this encourages more leaders to try camping with their girls without having to attend a full day training.

Camping IN: This can be held at any location by a trained member of the Service Unit Team and certifies the volunteer to take girls camping and stay in a lodge (no fire). This is a one-time certification. The course will not have scheduled dates council-wide, it will be organized by each Service Unit.

Camping OUT: This follow-up course is focused on skills and will be held at a camp property. The course will generally run from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. and will cost $10. The certification is valid for three years and can be renewed via test. These courses will have scheduled dates and can also be requested. The fall 2014 course schedule is available on our website, on the Adult Training Page under the Volunteer tab.

Go to Volunteer Training schedule