Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sarah's Girl Scout Gold Award Blog: Week 8 - Getting Things Done

Hey everyone!  Guess what?  I finished those bookshelves for the library!  Well, maybe not finished, but the only thing left to do to them is install support.  I’m very thankful for all the help from my handyman, Chuck.  I’m also so very thankful that his leukemia is gone and that he is feeling much better. 
We started the day bright and early on Saturday, August 1st.  My friend, Isaac, and Chuck bought all the wood and screws we would need and brought them back to their house.  We unloaded the truck and got straight to work.  First, we discussed possible dimensions and measurements for the shelves.  Chuck broke out a yardstick and a pencil and marked the proper lengths on the wooden boards.  Once they were all marked, we carried each board one by one to the cutting table and sawed off the excess wood.  It was my first time using a power tool, so it was a little intimidating.  However, Chuck talked me through the whole process and I grew a little more confident with each cut.  He even let me handle the saw by myself for a while.  Thankfully, I didn’t lose any of my fingers in the process!  After we finished all of our cuts, we moved our wood to the deck and began piecing the parts together.  Chuck showed us what to do as he built the skeleton of the first bookshelf.  Board by board, the structure came together.  He used brackets and screws to attach the shelves and nails to attach the backing.  Within a couple hours, the first bookshelf was finished.  The second one would be all up to Isaac and me to build.  We spent the rest of the day trying to construct a bookshelf of as beautiful as the first one.  By sunset, our second bookshelf was finally completed!  Fortunately, it looked identical to the first one!  There wasn’t enough light to install support, so we saved that for another day during the week.
A week later, I went back to Isaac’s house to finish the shelves.  We used the extra wood from the first day to create dividers.  We figured out how to tier the dividers to create the most support.  Once we agreed on those, I kept them steady while Isaac drilled them into place.  It took another whole day to complete the support, but the effort was definitely worth it. Now, the biggest and most difficult portion of my project is complete!  This week, I painted my rolling library crates.  The only thing left to do on the agenda is buy the rest of the fish supplies, set up, and host the grand opening party.  Only two more weeks to go!