Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Information about GSSI's "5 for Five" Cookie Promotion

Customers who purchase five boxes of Girl Scout Cookies at a March Cookie Booth will have the opportunity to enter a drawing to win FIVE CASES of the tasty treats!
Your support helps girls develop five key skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.  
Also, 100% of the proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program stay with GSSI and its troops. 
Contest Details:
Girl Scouts will have entry cards available to eligible customers at their Cookie Booth.
PLEASE NOTE: The link to access the web page for the 5 for Five contest is case-sensitive. It MUST be typed exactly how it is shown on the entry card. Please share this detail with customers. Thank you for all of your hard work during the Girl Scout Cookie Program!
Entry codes for "5 for Five" contest cannot be replaced if the card is lost or stolen.
Thank you for helping us build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place!